Our current projects
Saving Children's lives with Kwashiorkor + shock
Thousands of babies die of complications of severe malnutrition (Kwashiorkor) every year, and we think we can change this with a simple new type of treatment.
With your help we have now begun an exciting study in Ghana which we think will change this.
Child with kwashiorkor
Resuscitating Babies
Most babies just cry immediately after they are born, but some babies need help to get their breathing started. Unfortunately, if this does not happen, babies can suffer birth asphyxia, which means that oxygen starvation can lead to brain-damage or death.
It is easy to avoid this disaster by using simple newborn resuscitation techniques, which only need minimal equipment. However, to be effective across whole countries it requires lots of health workers of all levels to be trained. This is what we are planning to do in as many sites in Africa as we can.
A resuscitation training session for doctors